Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Because it Makes Me Smile

 Woke up this morning to see the bright gold of the sun just before it peaked over the mountains. Ahh, the best way to start the day! Before I had time to pull on a sweatshirt and get something on my feet, the vibrant color had vanished, replaced by the beaming glow of the sun behind dark clouds. The sky was filled with clouds, the ground dusted with fresh fallen snow, and the chilling sound of the wind blowing outside, reminded me that it's still winter, but ironically, today was the day I needed to start pulling out summer clothes. Yes, I know it's still March, but in some places, such as Texas, it actually feels like spring, because is spring. Well, what does it matter that it's spring in Texas??? It matters because early Friday, we'll be driving down to San Antonio where we'll meet up with Curtis and Caity, who are flying in from Idaho, for spring break! That's right folks, spring break in Texas. What could be better than that??? I'll tell you what. Spring break in Texas with the whole family!!!! That's what. =D Yes, someone is very much slightly excited! 

As I was working on school yesterday, I looked out my window to see the beautiful effect of the sun beginning to set and casting a really cool lighting on the opposite mountains. Oh and yes, this is the view from my window. It's amazing!


  1. Oh, what a lovely view! I remember the scenery at your house is breathtaking.
    And good reason to be excited too. Our family is coming to the end of our time together for a long time, so we're trying to soak it up while we can.
    Lots of love,

  2. very cool pictures, Marissa (in both senses of the word, I think)! And I'm so glad you all can reunite in San Antonio...in shorts and flip flops, which makes it that much better. I've really been enjoying your blog, and I love all the color - font color and background. It's very ~you~. I'll miss you on Sunday, dear friend. <3

