Monday, November 28, 2011


Thanksgiving is past and yesterday was the beginning of Advent. It hardly seems possible that Christmas is so quickly approaching. Less than a month! Advent is a time of preparation, preparing our minds and hearts to celebrate CHRISTmas. My family has been celebrating Advent for as long as I can remember, but it wasn't till recently (the the last couple years) that I really began to understand the purpose and meaning behind advent and really focusing our hearts on Christ. 
I was listening to Sarah Brown's Christmas CD, which is my favorite, and as I listened to one of the songs it challenged me to think about the gifts we give to God. We are vessels, made for His service, but I think so often we see our lives as our own to do with as we please. We should be seeking to live every day for His glory. During this holiday season we spend more time thinking about things we are thankful for, Christ's birth, what Christmas is about, etc. and so it should be, but it seems like the rest of the year we glide on by, with less thought put on bringing glory to our Savior. 
Here are the words to Sarah Brown's song. It's written for kids, but it applies just as much to adults.

The wise may bring their learning, 
The rich may bring their wealth,
And some may bring their greatness,
And some may bring strength and health; 
We, too, would bring out treasures 
To off to the King;
We had no wealth or learning;
What shall we children bring?

We'll bring Him hearts that love Him;
We'll bring Him thankful praise,
And young souls meekly striving 
To walk in holy ways:
And these shall be the treasures 
We off to the King, 
And these are gifts that even 
The poorest child may bring.

We'll bring the little duties 
We have to do each day; 
We'll try our best to please Him, 
At home, at school, at play:
And better are these treasures
To offer to the King
Than richest gifts without them;
Yet these a child may bring.

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