Thursday, October 27, 2011

Moscow - Oct. 6-15

A couple weeks I spontaneously flew up to Moscow, Idaho to spend 9 days with my siblings at college. Since they were on fall break I got to spend lots of concentrated time with them. I got to meet Caity's new room mates and we spent lots of time talking, shooting, laughing, playing games, watching movies, hanging with friends, going to coffee, painting pottery, playing volleyball, cooking, driving to Spokane and Couer D'Alene, walking, and just sitting on the couch saying nothing and yet everything. It was a wonderful time and such a blessing to be able to go up there and see my best friends, for that really what my siblings are.

1 comment:

  1. :) I love the photo of Caity's ear protector!! And I looove your green and black bag :D
