Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

One of the greatest blessings in my life is my father. He is faithful, honest, selfless, generous beyond measure, a hard worker, a leader, and most importantly he loves the Lord with all his heart and is teaching his children to do likewise. He is dependable and always around when we need him, never complains and is always willing to do the dirty work around the house. He's a family man and loves to spend time with his kids. My father's respect, love, and care for his wife have been a tremendous blessing to our family and he has set a high standard for what a real man ought to be. My parents, together, are the glue that holds us together in rough times, always there to encourage and support us. I would not be half what I am with out them both. So here's the be best father I could ever hope for. Love you so much Daddy. Happy Father's Day!!!


  1. Well, Chris, that ought to warm the cockles of your heart.

  2. Such sweet words, Marissa! Enjoy, savor every minute. You truly are blessed! Love, Mrs. Poff
