Monday, February 14, 2011

Only the Beginning

Hello there. Glad you made it to my new blog. I have decided to branch off and start my own blog. With Caity at college and Momma very busy teaching and raising three young men in the admonition of the Lord, our family blog has, for the most part, died. I'm not exactly sure at this point how much longer we'll leave it up or if there will be any more posts showing up there, but when we figure that out, I'll give you heads up.

My goals for this blog are
1) provide a way for relatives and friends (especially those who don't have facebook) to hear about the happenings of life in my neck of the woods
2) process and discuss thoughts and ideas about things I read or current discussions in every day life
3) post pictures, quotes, videos, and stories that brighten my life, in hopes that they may do the same for you
and most of all
4) bring glory to God through all my thoughts, words, and actions

I hope that God will use me, and the things I post, as an instrument through which to bless and encourage the lives of those who may read my blog.

~Striving for Christ,


  1. Cool, Marissa! I'll be looking forward to reading your posts!

    Hmmm... am I really the first to comment? Weird. I never get to comment first... :)

  2. Yeah! I am following and look forward to seeing what you write!

    The background is really you. :D
    Love you!

  3. Hi Marissa!
    This looks wonderful. I too look foward to seeing what you've got coming. Lovely picture of you, by the way; you're amazing in pink!

  4. Love your background :) Can't wait to read more about you :)
